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  1. I am looking to replace S&W 686 Pro stolen about Year ago. I have narrowed search to 686+pro and 627 Pro. I like the 8 rd And N frame of 627 but I have heard mixed reviews on both. Any comment(s) or recommendations on one vs the other? Or...any other guns I should consider before I decide on one of these?

  2. I recenlty inherited a couple of revolvers and old S&W 32 which I am retiring and an H&R that I love they are both 32s which is a problem . Would like to see things like conversions to optical sights if possible. The 32s are great for recoil control.

  3. Where can I purchase parts for my smith & Wesson model 929 parts. Firing pin bushing, firing pin, firing pin spring, , trigger release guide. Thank you. I inquired Apex already.
