Wednesday, May 2, 2018

2018 NRA Annual Meeting Preview

Courtesy of
This coming weekend is the 
2018 National Rifle Association Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. For anyone unfamiliar with this event, the NRA hosts a convention each year for members to gather and support the Second Amendment. Visitors need only be active members to enter a large exhibit hall where firearms and related products are on display. There are also events such as seminars, speakers, and other special events that members can attend for a fee. 

I'll briefly address something I've seen online recently. Many people do not like the NRA. I'm happy to be a member and pay my dues, but I really don't like the spiel I hear every time I answer a phone call from a representative. I feel like it alienates portions of the firearm populace rather than embracing all Second Amendment supporters. But I'm not going to the events for the rhetoric. I'm there to peruse the acres of products at the exhibit to get an idea of new products.

Exhibit Floor Plan

Courtesy of

This convention space looks huge! I think I can finish it in two days, but we'll see. Call me old fashioned, but I want to handle the products before I buy them. According to the event website, "The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits offers experienced outdoor retailers and outfitters a tremendous opportunity to sell merchandise, secure leads, book trips and interact with the shooting sports community." 

The major selling point of this event is the chance to chat with folks who really know the products. A representative for the company should be able to offer a bit more insight than someone behind the counter of the local gun store. Most regional reps I've spoken with are pretty great at rattling off specs, but I hope to chat with the shooters who actually run their gear to know all the little quirks.

My Planned Stops


The map above show a number of marked booths. There are so many places to visit, I decided to print a map with all of the "must visit" stops. Here is my list so far!

  • Taylors & Company
  • Cimarron
  • Chiappa
  • Colt
  • Smith & Wesson
  • Ruger
  • Kimber
  • Nighthawk (I'd really like a Korth revolver some day)
  • North American Arms
  • Taurus
  • Apex Tactical
  • Ranch Products
  • Tuff Products
  • Hogue
  • Eagle Grips
  • VZ Grips
  • Altamont Grips
  • Safariland
  • Comp Tac
  • El Paso Saddlery
  • De Santis
  • Galco
  • and anything else that looks revolver related.

Did I miss any? I also plan to visit other booths along the way because I don't only shoot revolvers but, you aren't here to read about those guns. You are here to read about wheel guns. The event should be an experience and I'm just happy I can attend without much expense.

My Wish list

Except for a few new releases, the majority of the companies at the show have already released the products on display at the show. That being said, I love surprises! I am a huge fan of break top revolvers like the Smith & Wesson Schofield. I'd love to see a company produce a modern, break top revolver in double action. It would be even better if it was cut for moon clips. I can dream right?



I'm pretty excited to attend the 2018 National Rifle Association Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. Depending on how many interesting things I encounter, there will be one or two posts detailing my trip. Comment below if there is anything you'd like me to hunt for at the show!

As always, if you have any suggestions for future posts or would like to share your experience on the current topic please post below!

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